Tuesday, 30 July 2013



No link acima, a égua Blue Hors Matine dança Hip-Hop numa apresentação livre de dressage montada pelo dinamarquês Andreas Helgstrand.
Dressage mare dancing Hip-Hop! Just beautiful. The following comment came on the link: "Not easy to do: teach the horse to pause before the hoof placement as well as use the legs together on the same time, very unique. A pleasure to watch."

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Alegria, alegria

Depois de 3 dias de chuva, que felicidade, que felicidade, que felicidade!

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Um caminho mais rápido para estar junto ao divino

Estamos no meio de uma visita do representante maior da igreja católica no Brasil. Vieram - quantos? - fiéis de diversas partes do mundo para estar com ele. Esta figura pode comover pessoas das mais diversas crenças, porque sua mensagem é de amor universal, independente de credos.
O evento mais importante do dia, a visita e a bênção do santuário da padroeira do Brasil em Aparecida do Norte/SP, está marcada pela chuva e pelo frio - intensos. Todos que programaram  viajar até a catedral vão enfrentar este desafio. É claro que a fé os levará de um local ao outro, mas, e se tivéssemos o trem bala disponível, que maravilha não seria?

'Trem-bala - nada a ver com violência.
Trem-bala, uma doce viagem.'

Uma trovinha enviada por M.G.L., solidária com a necessidade da construção do trem-bala.
Entre nesta onda, abrace-a e promova esta ideia.

Friday, 19 July 2013

Cavalo Árabe - Preguiça

Que sono, hein?

Feeling sleepy?

Friday, 5 July 2013

Chick-lit: Cavalo Árabe/O Beijo

A autora Nancy de Lustoza Barros e Hirsch criou uma série de personagens que ocupam o universo de três livros. O primeiro deles é o Passo Trote Galope, que apresenta a cidade de Remanso e a família de Liana Ducci. No segundo romance, Quer Apostar?, Ciça Alcântara vem a conhecer o haras Personal de Liana. A personagem Laura Maqui em Sob o Signo de Centauro também tem algo em comum com as outras duas mulheres: o cavalo Árabe. Moradora de Milão, Laura leva seus visitantes ao museu Di Brera. Ela tem uma paixão especial pelo quadro de um beijo que fica lá.

foto: citymezones

Thursday, 4 July 2013


Texto de Nancy de Lustoza Barros e Hirsch na revista para a comunidade de expatriados de língua inglesa no Rio de Janeiro. Para ver a revista na íntegra, clique aqui.

Beautiful face, but dirty behind the ears

There is an illegal balloon high up in the sky. From my viewpoint, not bigger than a fingertip, but it is probably huge, since it carries something like a dangling surfboard. Difficult to discern, as the rising sun gets in the eyes. Almost tripped: a wooden chair, without its legs, lies near one empty beer bottle dangerously balanced on the edge of the sidewalk. Saturday morning, mild temperature on the beach, the owners of the sands are bustling around, carrying cartons of drinks, coconuts, chairs, shouting to one another.

The COMLURB guys have just finished working and there is the impression that things around are clean. Barely: litter peeks from everywhere. A trolley has one flat rubber wheel, making flop-flop sounds and the driver doesn’t care: he has ice bags to deliver. One wonders where the wheel will go when it is finally changed.

Right in front, a lady with neon coloured running shoes, thick white socks up to her knees, makes a pause to inhale and then continues to talk on her cell phone. (The forbidden smell of cigarette brings memories of a deceitful feeling of freedom – those forced to leave the vice know it.) Will the fake jogging lady throw the burnt butt in the correct bin?

Years ago, children were taught to pay attention to dog’s “shards of glass” while strolling on the sidewalk of Copacabana beach. Canine owners in Rio are more educated nowadays and the path is mostly free of such nasty encounter. But, wouldn’t you know it, the proverbial banana skin is right there on the ground – litter in its best.

As of next July, says Dudu The Mayor, fines will be applied on the spot for those unconcerned about the health and welfare of the Cidade Maravilhosa’s environment and population. It is forbidden to build balloons as is littering. Trolleys’ wheels, cigarette butts, bubblegum wraps have all to find the correct destination. Caught in the illegal action by an authority representative – police or COMLURB sweeper – the violator will be fined right there and then through his/hers CPF (Cadastro de Pessoa Física).

These authorities will carry a palmtop to apply the punishment. Refusing to present the CPF, the lawbreaker will be taken to a police station, as are those who pee in the streets. One can appeal the fine, but if it is found to be rightfully applicable, the City Hall will prosecute the title; and gone will be credit with retailers or bank loans.

Fact: Rio de Janeiro is one of the 10 most dirty touristic locations in the world. In 2012, our streets produced the equivalent of three Maracanãs full of litter. Disbursement: 300 million dollars taking care of the mess, claims the City Hall. Time to sanction those who don’t mind dirt, overflows, or diseases like dengue and other unhealthy results of littering.

So, if you slip on a banana skin on the sidewalk while enjoying an ice cream, make sure to have napkins, water, and a decomposable plastic bag at hand, because either you clean up your mess, or Dudu will clean up your pockets.
Foto: Globo.com