Here is a transcription of a letter to the editors of the Umbrella magazine with regards to the text about the Botos Cinzas of the Guanabara Bay:
"Dear Editors,
Nan Carioca's "Boto Cinza" Carioca (The Umbrella, July 2014) brought back happy memories of a beautiful recent afternoon. Half-a-dozen or more "golfinhos" (gray dolphins) decided to join us for a portion of the ferry ride from Praça XV to Ilha de Paquetá, slowing down to keep up with our old ferry, the 1,000-passenger 'Itaipu'. They alternated from our port and starboard sides to cruise with us - perhaps guide us - for at least ten minutes and to leap at predictably short intervals (photo oportunity?). My 29-year-son visiting from New York learned that this was a rare occurence when the Carioca next to us volunteered that this was the first time he has seen "botos" alongside the ferries... during more than a decade of riding the ferryboats.
Dear Ms. Hirsch: please convey to the Boto Cinza Family that there were many of us - including my son and me - who "were delighted to see and photograph your return to that portion of the Guanabara Bay near the huge bridge between Rio and Niterói. Dozens of squealing school children ("Olha lá... tão pertinho... que lindos"), their families, commuting workers and first-time visitors were glad they were there to see you cavorting around us, bringing all good fortune and happiness".
And thank you for the link to "Projeto Maqua"!
With best wishes,
P. J. Kurz"
The Umbrella magazine is published for the English speaking expats in Rio de Janeiro. In order to see its content click here
photo: agência de notícias de direitos animais