Tuesday, 31 August 2021

New Experiences

Juliette at Rio Design Leblon Never More

We saw a beautifully decorated new restaurant and decided to celebrate our niece's medical diploma there. The waiter did not introduce himself, splashed sangria all over while serving it, was never around when needed, did not explain the hors d'ouevre. I ordered a fancy written plate on the menu and received rice with ham. My husband and my nephew's steak tartare was recently taken off the freezer and water oozed from it. Our niece's pasta looked (and, according to her, tasted) appalling. Since the sangria savour was like wash water, guess what I did when I arrived home?

Monday, 30 August 2021


Diana Queirós chega a Remanso tarde da noite, após horas de uma viagem cruel pela Rodovia Dutra. Pegou um trânsito pesado de São Paulo até a cidade do interior no Rio de Janeiro e teve dificuldade em achar o sítio da sogra Otávia. Exausta, parou o carro e dormiu ali mesmo, encostada no barranco da estrada de terra. Acordou amassada, dolorida, mordida por mosquitos, bem em frente ao portão da casa. Otávia riu quando soube que a luz do alpendre estava queimada. Assim é o relacionamento entre essas duas mulheres no romance Vale das Luas da autora brasileira Nancy de Lustoza Barros e Hirsch. Encomende o seu, seja pela Livraria Asabeça ou pela Prosa & Verso Livraria para se divertir muito!

Saturday, 28 August 2021


Enfuriante, machista, egoísta, inacreditável, exasperante. Misógino... ou não?  Em "Two and a Half Man", Charlie Harper, vivido na tela por Charlie Sheen, quase o espelho um do outro. Ele é nojento, mas você vai rir muuuuuuito!

"É uma pena que antibióticos não curam burrice."

Friday, 27 August 2021

Kate and Harvey


Everyday Kate wakes up to her job at Heathrow, to her lonely mother who suspects about the neighbours, to her fellow workers trying to match her with unwanted dates. Kate is not young anymore, but she has a good sense of humour and loves reading. She accepts to accompany Harvey on his stint in London, just for the fun of it. "Last Chance Harvey" is worth watching!

Thursday, 26 August 2021

Wednesday, 25 August 2021

Harvey in London

 "Last Chance Harvey" brings to the silverscreen two monster actors: Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson. A fortuitous encounter at a bar in Heathrow airport will lead us to walk with them through a clean, clear, dry (though both caracthers use macintoshes) of rain, blue skyed London - not your everyday experience, right? The dialogs are beautifully crafted!

Kate and Harvey promised to meet at Somerset House the next day by noon. Will they really?

Tuesday, 24 August 2021

Sobre "Carrossel"

Sobre o romance Carrossel da autora brasileira Nancy de Lustoza Barros e Hirsch:

Roni Assunção encontra Cléo Prado na estação de trem da fictícia cidade de Vila do Dique depois de muitos anos e ele continua apaixonadinho. "Disse que estaria na fazenda Alta Vista de meu avô, que era perto, que aguardaria ligação dela. Consegui mais um beijo e fiquei ali na calçada, atrapalhando o trânsito das pessoas até que elas se afastassem"

foto: culturamix

Monday, 23 August 2021

Last Chance Harvey/Tinha que ser você

It is not his day, it is not his week, not his month, and maybe it has not been his year. He flies from the States for his stranged daughter's marriage in London, but his job is hanging on a line and Harvey Shine does not have much time. He will have to fly back as soon as possible. Kate Walker works at a Heathrow booth and asks him if he would mind answering a questionnaire. He is very rude. Later Harvey will try to apologize.

It is a bittersweet drama, that could only be carried out by two stupendous artists as Emma Thompson and Dustin Hoffman.

Harvey Shine
: I'm gonna dance your socks off.

Kate Walker: I'm not gonna do it, because it'll hurt! Sometime or other there'll be, you know "It's not working." or "I need my space." or whatever it is and it will end and it will hurt, and I won't do it.
O filme Last Chance Harvey com Emma Thompson e Dustin Hoffman é muito bonito. Um drama/romance extremamente fino, pleno de emoção, que apenas dois estupendos atores como esses têm a capacidade de carregar: não seria preciso muito em termos de locações, embora Londres apareça linda, limpa, remoçada, sem chuva ou nuvens sombrias. Bastariam os rostos de Harvey e Kate para passar a mensagem.

Saturday, 21 August 2021

O Príncipe

de Nicolau Maquiavel

Li pelo menos quatro vezes. É fantástica a percepção do autor das firulas das relações de poder no manual que monta para seu príncipe.

Friday, 20 August 2021

Because it is Friday

This movie is worth watching! "Cousins" with the great Lloyd Bridges.

Vince Kozinski: What are you doing, son?

Larry Kozinski: I'm trying to make chicken salad out of this chickenshit.  

Thursday, 19 August 2021

By Marriage Related

The film still is "Cousins" with Ted Danson and Isabella Rosselini. He has a teenage boy and a live in girl friend. Presently he teaches dance classes; he is light, he is fun, he is considerate. She is married to an unfaithful husband and they have a little girl. She is a clerical secretary, serious and extremely shy. When they meet, things start to change.

Maria Hardy: How many jobs did you have?

Larry Kozinsky: I don't know. A lot. I change every two or three years. If it looks like I might be successful, I move on.

Maria Hardy: You don't want to be successful?

Larry Kozinsky: I want to be happy.

Wednesday, 18 August 2021


We all have an unsuspected reserve of inner power, which surfaces when life put us under trial. Isabel Allende. 

Tuesday, 17 August 2021

Um Toque de Infidelidade/Cousins

They become cousins through the marriage of Larry's uncle with Maria's Italian mother, which is when they meet for the first time. The party is over, but their partners have disappeared. When they finally arrive, their excuse is that her husband was trying to sell to his wife a car, so they were doing a test-drive on his BMW. In order to get even, Isabella Rosselini and Ted Danson decide that a prank on the cheaters was a good idea, but it is not how things turn out. A delicious chick-fllick.


Isabella Rosselini e Ted Danson tornam-se primos por casamento: o tio de Larry com a mãe italiana de Maria, que é quando se conhecem. Ambos acabam por serem os últimos a sair da festa, porque o marido dela estava, presumivelmente, fazendo um test-drive num BMW com a mulher dele. Para se vingarem, resolvem pregar uma peça nos adúlteros, mas o tiro acaba saindo pela culatra. Delicioso chick-flick.

Monday, 16 August 2021


No romance Sob o Signo de Centauro de Nancy de Lustoza Barros e Hirsch:

Valente Avoeiros Bogado participa dos esforços para debelar o incêndio de proporções devastadoras nas serras do Nordeste.

Friday, 13 August 2021

The Joint


There are so many things to talk about Casablanca, the film... however, several will be lost to those watching the film that do not know much of what happened during Hitler's ascension to power in Germany and the consequent second World Wide War. 

The activities at Rick's Café Americain is watched closely by the gendarmerie in the city of Casablanca, Morocco, by then a French protectorate and one of the last resorts for people trying to flee the Jerrys. Captain Louis Renault frequents the bar as a gambler as well as an authority. Under the Vichy government, he collaborates with the German officers and will do everything in his power to prevent one leader of the French resistance to escape from Casablanca.

Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Still Under Casablanca Influence

 Visited IMDB to get one quote from the film but found many. Here follow some referring to the classic music performed by Satchmo:

  • Sam Let's get outta here.

          Rick No Sam, I'm waiting for a lady.

          Sam Please boss, let's go. Ain't nothing but trouble for you here.

          Rick She's coming back. I know she's coming back.

          Sam We'll take the car. We'll drive all night. We'll get drunk. We'll go fishing and stay away until she's gone.

          Rick Shut up and go home, will ya?

          Sam No sir, I'm staying right here.

  • Ilsa Play it once, Sam. For old times' sake.

    Sam [lying]  I don't know what you mean, Miss Ilsa.

    Ilsa Play it, Sam. Play "As Time Goes By."

    Sam [lying]  Oh, I can't remember it, Miss Ilsa. I'm a little rusty on it.

    Ilsa I'll hum it for you. Da-dy-da-dy-da-dum, da-dy-da-dee-da-dum...

    [Sam begins playing] 

    Ilsa Sing it, Sam.

    Sam [singing]  You must remember this / A kiss is still a kiss / A sigh is just a sigh / The fundamental things apply / As time goes by. / And when two lovers woo, / They still say, "I love you" / On that you can rely / No matter what the future brings-...

    Rick [rushing up]  Sam, I thought I told you never to play-...

    [Sees Ilsa. Sam closes the piano and rolls it away] 


    Sam Boss, ain't you going to bed?

    Rick Not right now.

    Sam Ain't you planning on going to bed in the near future?

    Rick No.

    Sam You ever going to bed?

    Rick No!

    Sam Well, I ain't sleepy either.


    Rick Of all the gin joints, in all the towns, in all the world, she walks into mine.


    Rick You know what I want to hear.

    Sam [lying]  No, I don't.

    Rick You played it for her, you can play it for me!

    Sam [lying]  Well, I don't think I can remember...

    Rick If she can stand it, I can! Play it!



Tuesday, 10 August 2021

What's Love/Bate Coração

 Rio de Janeiro, Baía de Botafogo, Pão de Açúcar.

Rio de Janeiro, Botafogo Bay, Sugar Loaf.

Monday, 9 August 2021

Já fez sua aposta hoje?

"Quer Apostar?" é o título do segundo romance da autora brasileira Nancy de Lustoza Barros e Hirsch. Nele, a personagem principal, Ciça Alcântara, é bastante determinada, mas será que consegue seu intuito de comprar o lote de terreno no condomínio do haras Coletânea, depois das confusões em que se meteu? Cara ou coroa?

Desenho: kellogg.edu

Saturday, 7 August 2021

Uma ponte para Terebin

de Leticia Warschowski, Record, 444 páginas.
A autora é descendente de poloneses e faz uma ponte com seus antepassados que viveram na época da Segunda Grande Guerra. Pesquisa consistente, narrativa engenhosa e impecável: não vi um erro de Português ou de datilografia. Em apenas dois momentos o sentido me escapou. O início é arrastado, mas a escritora é tão boa, que a gente insiste um pouco mais e, finalmente, quando entra-se na parte sobre a guerra, é fantástico. Standing ovation.

Friday, 6 August 2021


A classic film with Ingrid Bergman and Humphrey Bogart, in black and white, portrays a bar in the city of Casablanca in Morocco, last resort of fugitives from the Germans during World War II. Different characters frequent Rick's Café Americain in search of news from the other side of the pond, all willing to escape to the USA. Some pay for a trip that will never happen, some dream of finding a sponsor for a flight... Musicians, politicians, gendarmes, punks, jews, opportunists all float to the bar, day in, night out. Loves from the past encounter with the fatality hanging inexorably over their heads.

Numa aula sobre cinema na faculdade de Comunicação, o professor Mariani mencionou o filme “Casablanca”. Um dos alunos fez cara feia e o interrogou sobre o assunto. Um clássico filmado em 1942, o enredo complexo, de fino humor e de extrema profundidade, retrata um momento durante a II Grande Guerra num local que fervilhava de intrigas, de sofrimentos, de ganância, de esperança, de... milhares de coisas. Os roteiristas souberam temperar na dose exata o turbilhão de emoções de cada um dos personagens, mesmo os de mínimo destaque, para retratar os extremos a que o ser humano comum é submetido em situações de emergência. Claro que a pitada de romance existe entre dois grandes nomes de Hollywood na época: Humphrey Bogart e Ingrid Bergman. Acompanhados magistralmente por Peter Lorre e Claude Rains. A música “As time goes by” imortalizou-se aí. Com toda certeza, o aluno que ignorava o filme, hoje agradece pela indicação e o tem na prateleira entre seus favoritos.

Thursday, 5 August 2021

Cavalos de Corrida

de Sergio Barcellos - Topbooks, 281 páginas.
Quem gosta de cavalos e em especial os de corrida vai adorar. O autor faz uma análise dos caminhos dos Puro Sangue Inglês, conta histórias, comenta, ensina. O único porém é a extensão da parte de criação, que fica um pouco repetitiva, nem por isso menos interessante.

Wednesday, 4 August 2021

Verdades da Vida/Life's Truths

 There will never be a rubber to erase the past, but there will always be a pencil to write the future!

Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Inspire-se no Dia dos Pais/Father's Day

Next August, 15 is Father's day in Brazil. Here is a suggestion for books as gifts, a list of bookshops and a link with ideas for different wraps.

No próximo dia 15 de Junho presenteie com livros. Aposto que seu pai vai a-do-rar. Aproveite e veja as idéias diferentes de pacotes em Embrulhos Reutilizáveis

Bom Texto Editora
Livraria da Travessa
Livraria Argumento
Livraria Saraiva
Livraria Martins Fontes Paulista
Livraria Cultura
Livraria Prosa & Verso, 24 3353 3578
Também por reembolso postal: Revista Business Rural 21 2491 1496

Monday, 2 August 2021

Gerd Roth

He is a horse trainer, has no stable job, lives with a backpack, roves about Europe and works where there is an opening. Gerd Roth comes from Germany to Brazil with one single purpose: he will not leave Personal Stud Farm without any type of gain. He wants to take advantage of the situation because he feels abandoned by his wife. If you want to know more about this story, buy the romance Walk Trot Gallop by Nancy de Lustoza Barros e Hirsch available on Amazon. 


Ele é treinador de cavalos, não tem emprego fixo, vive com uma mochila, perambulando pela Europa e trabalha onde achar um canto. Gerd vem da Alemanha ao Brasil com um propósito: não sair do haras Personal sem se dar bem. Ele quer levar alguma vantagem, porque se sente abandonado por sua mulher.
Quer saber mais sobre a história? Compre o romance Passo Trote Galope da autora brasileira Nancy de Lustoza Barros e Hirsch.